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Q: What is the term referred to when a women no longer menstruates and can no longer have children?
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What is institutional tolerance?

When the mental health centers that women are referred to no longer have a lasting effect.

Is there a birth control pill for menopausal women?

No, because Menopausal women are past their fertility age and can no longer have children. So in a way Menopause is its own birth control.

What argument made by some women suffragists was the women cared more than men cared about?

Helping poor women and children.

How has life for Australian women changed since 1945?

women gained equal pay, and where able to continue in the workforce even once they become married, they can sit on jury's be judges and no longer and restricted like before, peoples idea of women changed women no longer just had to cook and look after the children they could now have their own life and became equals with men.

What is a woman's egg?

A woman's egg, also known as an ovum, is a female reproductive cell that is essential for reproduction. It is produced by the ovaries and released during ovulation to potentially fuse with a sperm cell to create a zygote and start the process of embryonic development.

What's it called when a women isn't able to get pregnant?

It is referred to as infertility. It is referred to as infertility.

What is the mylai incidence?

The My Lai incident is sometimes referred to as the My Lai Massacre. In this incident, US soldiers killed a large number of women, children, and elderly people in a village in Vietnam.

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Who was the congressman who referred to women as cows in a speech on the floor?

It was in March of 2012 that Congressman Terry England from Georgia referred to women as cows in a speech on the floor.

What is the title for a married Italian lady?

Married Italian women are referred to as signora (like the English Mrs.); unmarried women are referred to as signorina (Miss).

Is it normal for a woman to stop her period at 48?

Yes, it is common for women to experience menopause around the age of 48, during which period stops. This is a natural part of the aging process as the ovaries produce fewer hormones. If you have concerns about changes in your menstrual cycle, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider.