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The Banach-Tarski paradox states that a spherical object can be cut into pieces and reassembled into two spheres, each with volume equal to the first. Theoretically, it works because the surface of a sphere in theory is an infinite collection of points, but the paradox does not apply in real life because an actual spherical object is a finite collection of atoms.

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Q: What is the theory that an object can be broken down and then reformed into two objects with the same volume as the first?
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What can you say about objects whose speed versus time curves are close to the theoretical speed verus time line?

They are the objects whose measured speed as a function of time agrees well with theory.

What did Albert Einstein accomplish?

He developed the relativity theory. He was an astronomer sometimes. He argued about his theory of relativity and became famous for his formula E=MC2 of how to calculate the energy of an object. The theory about how the speed your traveling affects time. He argued that if you are going as fast as the speed of light or faster time would slow down for you.Einstein developed the special theory of relativity; this is what he is most famous for. He also contributed in the fields of math and science with focus on celestial objects. He also expanded our understanding of gravity and how it interacts with everything.Well i think it was very helpful thank you DONNA HALPER. Thank you. DIDNT HE INVENT REFRIDGERATER.

What is the name of the classification of a 4 dimensional geometric shape?

A 4 dimensional object is called a Tesseract or "hybercube"Although if you want to get into string-theory and related advanced subject matters, the Tesseract is not a 4 dimensional object at all, but simply an advanced 3 dimensional object which only represents the 4th dimension; a visual aide if you will.

In math what does the upside down you thing mean?

In set theory, a "U" stands for union.A U B means objects that belong to set A or set BThe upside-down "U" (which I'm not going to be able to print here) stands for intersection, objects that belong to set A and set B

What is the relation between set theory and relational databases?

DEFINITIONS: Set Theory - branch of mathematics that studies sets, which are collections of objects... Relational Databases - matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set...... YOUR ANSWER: Set theory can be applied to relational databases on effectively organizing data. See more on Relations on Set Theory. Once you understand relations or relationships in mathematics, you will easily be able to organize and simplify your data into your databases.

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What did the Theory Of Relativity influence?

The Theory of Relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, has had a significant influence on physics and cosmology. It revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity, leading to breakthroughs in areas such as quantum mechanics, black holes, and the nature of the universe. It also paved the way for advancements in technology, such as GPS systems, that rely on the principles of relativity for accuracy.

When was Broken windows theory created?

Broken windows theory was created in 1996.

How would you know whether the object is runtime?

if it is used when the program is running, it's runtime. all objects are either used when the program is running, or useless and so in theory, all useful (aka objects that you need) objects are runtime

Can time be different for objects or is it fixed?

Time can be experienced differently for objects based on their mass and speed, according to Einstein's theory of relativity. This means that time is not fixed but can be variable depending on the conditions an object is in.

What was Aristotle's theory about gravity?

Aristotle did not have a specific theory of gravity as we understand it today. He believed in the natural motion of objects toward their natural place in the universe (e.g., heavier objects falling towards Earth, and lighter objects rising). His view was different from the modern understanding of gravity as a force of attraction between objects with mass.

How is gravity made?

Gravity is a natural force that exists between all objects with mass. It is produced by the curvature of spacetime around massive objects, causing other objects to be drawn towards them. This effect is described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Is there an indestructible object?

No, there are no indestructable objects, although some objects would be very difficult to destroy (for example, it would be impossible for human beings to destroy the sun, although in theory, with sufficiently advanced technology, it could become possible).

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Feature detection theory is viewer-centered, as it suggests that our visual system is primed to detect specific features or characteristics of objects in the environment. This process involves identifying specific features like color, shape, motion, and orientation to help us perceive and recognize objects.

What is the principle of issac newtons law of gravity-?

the principle or theory is that a smaller object is attracted to a larger object like the apple falling off the tree and hitting Issac newton.

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Albert Einstein's theory of gravity is known as general relativity. It explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. According to this theory, objects like planets and stars move along paths dictated by this curvature.

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[object Object]

What does the set theory explain about sets?

The set theory is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects called sets. The set theory explains nearly all definitions of mathematical objects.