In X/Y, X is the numerator, Y is the denominator. ---- Also when dividing a number like this: 56 divided by 7=8 56 is the quotient 7 is the divisor and 8 is the dividend
The divisor is the divider, the numerator is the number being divided.
The number being divided is called the dividend while the number that divides the dividend is called the divisor.
a multiple of the number it's being divided by.
The number being divided is the dividend, which is being divided by the divisor to equal the quotient. (dividend) ÷ (divisor) = (quotient)
Divisé/e par the additional 'e' would be used if the thing being divided is feminine
The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.
Well, when you divide you get fraction, the thing above the line is called your numerator and the thing below your line is called the denominator. Then, your numerator is divided by you denominator. For example, 10/2 where 10 is your numerator and 2 is your denominator this mean 10 divided by 2 =5
The numerator is divided by the denominator.
The divisor is the divider, the numerator is the number being divided.
The number being divided is called the dividend while the number that divides the dividend is called the divisor.
In multiplication, the number being multiplied is called what
The number being divided is called the dividend.The number doing the dividing is called the divisor.
a multiple of the number it's being divided by.
The number being divided is the dividend, which is being divided by the divisor to equal the quotient. (dividend) ÷ (divisor) = (quotient)
It is called the dividend.
the divisor
It is called the dividend. Dividend / Divisor = Quotient.