The third root of 51.2656 is 3.71485627
The third root of 175 is 5.59344471
The fourth root of fifteen raised to the third power is 7.622 (rounded).
the third root of 27 is 3
It is -9.
The third root of 51.2656 is 3.71485627
The third root of 175 is 5.59344471
If, by "third square root" you mean cube root, the answer is 7.
The square root of five to the third power is 11.1803398875 (rounded).
The thrd root of 27 is 3
If, by third square root, you mean sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(1000))) then the answer is 2.371374
The fourth root of fifteen raised to the third power is 7.622 (rounded).
the third root of 27 is 3
It is -9.