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I Believe a truncated rectangular pyramid.

I can't be sure that if you extrapolated all of the sides they would meet at a point however.

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Q: What is the three dimensional shape of a gold bar called?
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A shape measuring 12 inches by 12 inches would be two-dimensional, not three-dimensional. Therefore, this is not calculable.

What is a piece of gold called?

When found 'native' it is a gold nuggett When provessed into a shape and purified it is an ingot.

Which three metals are generally called precious?

gold, silver, platinum

How is gold processed?

gold is processed by getting gold from the gold mine, then they make it into gold bars and send it off. the shape it by melting it in a thing that they want to shape it in.

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gold at 24 carat is very it is very easy to shape;. gold at 24 carat is very it is very easy to shape.

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The three elements in the gold group are gold (Au), silver (Ag), and copper (Cu). They are called the gold group because they have similar physical and chemical properties.

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It can be in practically any shape, I guess....

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Does gold have a particular shape?


When gold metal is found in lumps what is it called?

When gold metal is found in lumps, it is typically referred to as "nuggets." Gold nuggets are pieces of gold that have naturally formed in a rounded shape through geological processes. They are often discovered by prospectors while panning for gold in rivers and streams.

Why was gold called nuggets?

Gold nuggets are irregularly shaped pieces of gold that are found in nature. They are often small, solid lumps of gold that resemble the shape of chicken nuggets. The term "nugget" is believed to have originated from the Cornish word "nugg" which means "lump" or "chunk."