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Q: What is the tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume?
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What is the medical term meaning the amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume?

Inspiratory reserve volume is the volume you can inhale past the normal tidal volume.

How do you do capacity?

It's the inspiratory reserve volume plus the tidal volume plus the expiratory reserve volume

What are the volumes that makes up vital capacity?

Expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, you amateurs

What is the approximate volume of inspiratory reserve volume?

The average inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) for adults is around 3,000-3,500 mL. This volume represents the maximum amount of air a person can inhale beyond their normal tidal volume during a deep breath. It is an important component of lung capacity and respiratory function.

What are the three volumes that make up vital capacity?

Expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, you amateurs

What is the amount of air called you can inhale above tidal inspiration?

The amount of air you can inhale above tidal inspiration is called inspiratory reserve volume (IRV). It represents the additional air you can breathe in after a normal inhalation.

What are the effects of exercise on the expiratory reserve volume?

Regular exercise can increase the strength and efficiency of respiratory muscles, including those involved in exhalation. This can lead to improved lung function, increased expiratory muscle strength, and potentially an increase in expiratory reserve volume over time.

Difine the meanings of tidal volunme and vital capacity?

Tidal volume is the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during normal breathing. Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible. It is the sum of tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume.

What is inspiratory reverse volume?

Inspiratory reverse volume is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal inspiratory effort. This can happen in conditions where the lungs are hyperinflated, like in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It can lead to inefficient breathing and decreased exercise tolerance.

Why does eRV decrease during exercise?

Inspiratory Reserve Volume is the excess volume above the tidal volume that can be inspired. During exercise, there is an increase in demand for oxygen which leads to a decrease in IRV.

How does expiratory reserve volume change with exercise?

During exercise, expiratory reserve volume decreases because more air is being exhaled to help meet increased oxygen demands. The respiratory rate and depth of breathing typically increases during exercise, which can lead to a decrease in expiratory reserve volume.

Maximum volume a person can inhale following exhalation of the tidal volume?

Inspiratory Capacity