The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.
Instantaneous sampling is one method used for sampling a continuous time signal into discrete time signal. This method is called as ideal or impulse sampling. In this method, we multiply a impulse function with the continuous time signal to be sampled. The output is instantaneously sampled signal.
A band-limited signal is one in which the Fourier transform is zero above a certain frequency. In other words it's a signal that ahas a finite frequency content. The simplest case is a pure sinusoidal signal, whose Fourier transform consists of a delta function centred on the frequency of the signal. A band-limited signal can be reconstructed exactly if it is sampled at at more than twice the maximum frequency present in the signal. A time-limited signal is a signal that is zero above a finite. An example of this would be a short pulse. The reason a signal cannot be both band-limited or time-limited is due to their relationship via the Fourier transform. One can show it is impossible for the Fourier transform of a signal with compact support ie either time or band-limited, to also have compact support. A time-limited signal must have a continuous frequency spectrum existing over all possible frequencies and a band-limited signal can only arise from signal existing for all time. Note this indicates in reality it is impossible to have a truly band-limited signal as it would take infinite time to transmit, but it is nonetheless a useful concept and we can produce nearly band-limited signal to a high degree of accuracy.
THE TERM CONTINUOUS SIGNAL AND DISCRETE SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNALS ALONG THE TIME (i.e. horizontal axis) where as THE TERM ANALOG AND DIGITAL SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNAL ALONG THE AMPLITUDE (i.e vertical axis) we often confuse our-self with continuous time and analog signals. An analog signal is a signal which can take any amplitude in continuous range that is signal amplitude can take infinite values on the other hand a digital signal is one whose amplitude can take only finite numbers of values
The time taken will depend on how fast you can cycle.
The time it takes to complete one cycle of a signal is called one period. For example, if the signal has a frequency of one hertz (one cycle per second), the period would be 1 second. A two hertz frequency would mean a ½ second period, or ½ second to complete one cycle.
Duty cycle is the percentage of time a system is active or in the "on" state compared to the total time of operation. It is commonly used in electronics to describe the ratio of the time a signal is high (on) to the total period of the signal. A 50% duty cycle means the signal is on half the time and off half the time.
same signal pattern over time, how much time does it take to transmit a cycle
the frequency is 1 divided by the cycle time, or 1/100 microseconds = 10,000 cycles per second
The clock cycle time for the processor in this system is the duration it takes for one complete cycle of the clock signal, determining the speed at which the processor can execute instructions.
It is the ratio of the on and off time or the clock signal, which is generated by the clock generator...
No, because for a signal to become periodic it must repeat itself in regular intervals of its time period.A 0 Hz signal has a time period equal to infinity , so technically the signal can never complete a full cycle by reaching infinity let alone repeat itself, since the signal is unable to repeat itself in regular intervals its not periodic.
Frequency is defined as the number of cycles per minute. Ex: for a sine wave from " 0 to pi " is a cycle, and this repeats periodically within a interval of time. if frequency of a signal is 50Hz, then you can say that this signal repeats 50 time's a minute..
The duty cycle during the averaging time for RF exposure refers to the percentage of time that a signal is transmitting within the specific averaging period. It indicates how often the signal is actively transmitting compared to the total time of observation, and is used to calculate the average power density for assessing potential health effects from RF exposure.
It depends on the signal you are trying to receive. For instance, the AM frequency band lies around 500KHz to 1700kHz. Lets say you have a tuned amplifier such that the resonant frequency was set roughly in the middle of that band at 1000kHz (1MHz). AM radio stations typically space out their broadcasts 9-10kHz. So if Q=f_resonant/f_bandwidth the Q of a tuned amplifier with a bandwidth of 10kHz (which would be decent, maybe a little spill over), would be: Q=1Mhz/10kHz Q=100 The higher the Q, the greater the selectivity. Too high be a bad thing too.
•Measures each point in a single cycle of a signal relative to its point of originPhase tells you the delay in a signal