This is the length of time that an animal is pregnant for.
the length of time that is equivalent to 92 hours is 5,500 min
I would prefer to use "distance" instead of "length".distance = speed x time
Lacrosse is related to math because it involves degrees, and you have to know feet and measurement and stuff.
Mileage. Time.
10" is the legal length of just the head
100 yards
In lacrosse they have a half time and 4 quarters.
The same time lacrosse was made, so look at the question, "when was lacrosse made".
the weight of a defensive lacrosse stick doesnt matter, it just has to be a length of at least 72 inches
Bumper to bumper, 16' 6.1" (198.1")
Generally, the best stick length is for the shaft to be the length of your arm; however, just a standard stick length seems to work best for most people. If you cut it to your arm length, it makes it easier to maneuver. But, a really good lacrosse player can maneuver the stick regardless.
A long pole in Lacrosse is a defence pole.
if you are playing girls lacrosse, then yes. all of the sticks are the same length, including the defenders sticks. if you are playings boys lacrosse, then no. not all of the sicks are the same length. the defense sticks are called defense poles and they are longer, and for the most part the middie and attack sticks are the same length except sometimes people can play long pole midy, it depends on what team you are playing on and division you are in.
60 inches typically
John Robert Stevenson has written: 'The effects of stick length on the kinematics of maximal velocity throwing in lacrosse' -- subject(s): Human mechanics, Kinesiology, Lacrosse, Physiological aspects, Physiological aspects of Lacrosse