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There are 2 halfs. Both are 24 minutes long.

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Q: What is the time length in lacrosse?
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Related questions

What is the length of a lacrosse head?

10" is the legal length of just the head

What is the length of a boys lacrosse field?

100 yards

Do they have a half time in lacrosse or quarters?

In lacrosse they have a half time and 4 quarters.

When was field lacrosse made?

The same time lacrosse was made, so look at the question, "when was lacrosse made".

How heavy should a defensive lacrosse stick be?

the weight of a defensive lacrosse stick doesnt matter, it just has to be a length of at least 72 inches

What is the length of 2007 Buick Lacrosse?

Bumper to bumper, 16' 6.1" (198.1")

What is the best length of a lacrosse stick for a 5'8 freshman girl in high school?

Generally, the best stick length is for the shaft to be the length of your arm; however, just a standard stick length seems to work best for most people. If you cut it to your arm length, it makes it easier to maneuver. But, a really good lacrosse player can maneuver the stick regardless.

What is the correct length for a longpole in lacrosse?

A long pole in Lacrosse is a defence pole.

Midfield lacrosse stick length in inches?

if you are playing girls lacrosse, then yes. all of the sticks are the same length, including the defenders sticks. if you are playings boys lacrosse, then no. not all of the sicks are the same length. the defense sticks are called defense poles and they are longer, and for the most part the middie and attack sticks are the same length except sometimes people can play long pole midy, it depends on what team you are playing on and division you are in.

What is the minimum length for a defensive lacrosse stick?

60 inches typically

What has the author John Robert Stevenson written?

John Robert Stevenson has written: 'The effects of stick length on the kinematics of maximal velocity throwing in lacrosse' -- subject(s): Human mechanics, Kinesiology, Lacrosse, Physiological aspects, Physiological aspects of Lacrosse

What sports did they have back then in the Iroquios time?
