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Q: What is the total number of grams of HI in 0.500g liter of 1.00 M HI?
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How do you convert moles into grams per liter?

Since both of them are per liter....then all you need to do is a one step conversion of moles into grams using the molar mass...essentially you are going to multiply the mol/L by the molar mass in grams of the given substance...

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To make a 0.010M NaI solution, you'll need 0.010 moles of NaI per liter. The molar mass of NaI is 149.89 g/mol. Therefore, to calculate the grams needed, you would multiply the molar mass by the number of moles, which gives you 1.499 g of NaI needed per liter of solution.

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To find the percent of salt by weight in the water, you need to calculate the total weight of the salt in the water. Since the salt content is 51.3 grams per liter and you have 1 liter of water, the weight of salt in the water is 51.3 grams. To find the percentage, divide the weight of the salt by the total weight of the solution (1000 grams for 1 liter of water) and multiply by 100. Therefore, the percent of salt by weight in this example would be 5.13%.

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To prepare a 0.5 M glucose solution in 1 liter of water, you would need to dissolve 90.08 grams of glucose in enough water to make up the total volume of 1 liter. Start by weighing out 90.08 grams of glucose, add it to a container, and then add enough water to make the total volume up to 1 liter.

What percentage of sulfuric acid is 40 grams per liter?

A 40 grams per liter solution of sulfuric acid would be approximately a 4% solution. This is calculated by dividing the mass of sulfuric acid by the total mass of the solution and multiplying by 100.

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To calculate the total amount of sodium chloride needed for a 13 L solution at 4 grams per liter, multiply the concentration by the volume of the solution: 4 grams/L x 13 L = 52 grams of sodium chloride. Therefore, you will need 52 grams of sodium chloride to make the 13 L solution.

What are the total grams of fat a 16 year old female should get a day?

Grams of fat isn't that important, Better look at your BMI, your lifestyle, and total number of calories instead.

The total number of calcium atoms in 80.0 grams of calcium is?

The molar mass of calcium is 40.08 g/mol. To determine the number of moles in 80.0 grams, divide 80.0 g by 40.08 g/mol to get 1.998 moles. Since 1 mole contains 6.022 x 10^23 atoms, the total number of calcium atoms in 80.0 grams is approximately 1.20 x 10^24 atoms.

How to calculate calories per gram for a cake that has a total of 4563 calories?

Divide that number by the number of grams which the cake weighs.

What is the total number of sodium atoms in 46.0 grams of sodium is?

The molar mass of sodium is 22.99 g/mol. To find the total number of sodium atoms in 46.0 grams of sodium, you would first convert grams to moles using the molar mass, then use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol) to find the total number of atoms. This would give you approximately 1.21 x 10^24 sodium atoms.

What percentage concentration is 60 grams per liter sulphuric acid?

The percentage concentration of a solution can be calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution and then multiplying by 100. In this case, if 60 grams of sulfuric acid are dissolved in 1 liter of solution, the concentration would be (60g/1000g) x 100 = 6%.

How many grams atoms are in 100 of sulfur?

The molar mass of sulfur is approximately 32 grams per mole. Therefore, 100 grams of sulfur would contain approximately 3 moles of sulfur atoms (100 grams / 32 grams/mole). To find the number of atoms, you would then multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mole) to get the total number of sulfur atoms in 100 grams.