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8 + x

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Q: What is the total of 8 and a number when using x to represent the variable?
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How would you represent using z as the variable represent five less than twice a number?

If the number is 'z', then five less than twice the number is ( 2z - 5 ).

What is the definition for defining the variable?

choosing a variable to represent one of the unspecified numbers in a problem and using it to write expressions for the other unspecified numbers in the problem.

When we are using circle graph to represent datas?

Circle graphs are use to illustrate the breakdown of a single variable into its components.

How can you calculate total number of rows in the truth table?

The total number of rows in a truth table can be calculated using the formula 2^n, where n is the number of variables. Each variable can have two possible truth values (True or False), so each row represents a unique combination of truth values for the variables.

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2n/5 or (2/5)*n

What is one advantage of using a variable to represent a pattern?

A single statement, using variables, can convey the same information as many, sometimes infinitely many, statements.

Swapping of number with using third variable?

To swap two numbers N1 and N2, using a third variable T... T = N1; N1 = N2; N2 = T;

What is a variable and what is it used for?

The standard variable is a representation of a number. Variables are typically letters that can be distinguished from numbers. The most common examples of a variable is x, y, or z. Variables that you should stay away from using are t (because it looks like an addition sign), and o (because it looks like a zero).Ex: 5x+5=15* * * * *Variables can be used to represent simultaneously mathematical procedures for a number of different values.So, for example, 5x+5 stands for "multiply your variable by 5 and add 5". For each value of the variable x, this will give a different result, but the advantage of using this notation is that you can process all of them together instead of individually.

Default value for instance variable?

Depending on the language you are using the default of an instance variable can be '0', 0, null, empty, '', or have a random number.

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When a firm attains minimum average variable cost, the number of units of labor it is using depends on the average product.

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You put that number with a little number over it depending on how many times that number is multiplied by itself.

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