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What total do you mean? area? volume? or other mathematical terminologies?

or do you mean the total sides of an isosceles triangle? LOL :))

well its angle total will have to be 180 no matter what because each triangle has an interior angle sum of 180. SO yea...................... that is why. :)

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Q: What is the total of an isosceles triangle?
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What is the total angle measure of isosceles triangle?

The sum of all three interior angles of any triangle, isosceles or not, is 180 degrees.

Is an acute triangle sometimes an isosceles?

An acute triangle can be an isosceles triangle, but it doesn't have to be. An isosceles triangle can be an acute triangle, but it doesn't have to be.

What is an example of an isosceles triangle?

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A right triangle and an isosceles triangle have the fact that they are both triangles in common. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

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You cannot. An isosceles triangle cannot be scalene and a scalene triangle cannot be isosceles. So an isosceles scalene triangle cannot exist.

Ans isosceles triangle is a triangle that has?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two equal sides.

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What is a congruent isosceles triangle?

isosceles triangle is a triangle in which 2 of the 3 sides are equal length. the third side can be any length. there are an infinite number of such triangles. congruent just means total equal to another triangle. you only say congruent when referring to two different triangles. or you can say any triangle is congruent to itself. so if you have two isosceles triangle that are identical, then each one is a congruent isosceles triangle

What is the same about an isosceles triangle and an isosceles trapezoid?

In an isosceles triangle and an isosceles trapezoid, both base angles are congruent

If a triangle is obtuse then is it isosceles?

An obtuse triangle is not necessarily isosceles, but it can be.

What triangle has one right angle and can be an isosceles?

A triangle that has one right angle and is isosceles is called an isosceles right triangle.