The total price is 100.70
The total sale price is $163.76
The total price is $20.49
The total is 33.60
The total price with the discount and sales tax is: $55.64
For every tennis match there maybe 60 balls needed
The total price is 100.70
The total sale price is $163.76
The total tax is $1.68 and the total price with tax is $29.68.
The total price is $15.37
The total price is $20.49
The total is 33.60
The total price with the discount and sales tax is: $55.64
Total price = 108.25% = 108.25 / 100 = 1.0825 * pre tax price
The total tax is $0.70 and the total price with tax is $14.70.
The total tax is $1.84 and the total price with tax is $31.22.
The total tax is $1.69 and the total price with tax is $24.19.