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Q: What is the transformation called if it preserves the shape and size of an object?
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What transformation preserves the shape and size?

Rigid motion

What preserves a geometric figure's size and shape?

congruence transformation

What doesn't describe a rigid motion transformation?

A rigid motion transformation is one that preserves distances and angles between points in a geometric shape. Anything that involves changing the size or shape of the object, such as scaling or shearing, would not describe a rigid motion transformation.

A triangle that is translated reflected or rotated and preserves its shape is said to be?

A Congruent Transformation.

What is it called when an object changes its size or shape?

When something changes like that it is called transformation.

What is the shape of an object before a transformation called?

pre image is the answer if is any help now to anyone

What does a line reflection preserve?

A line reflection preserves the shape and size of an object. It also preserves the orientation and distance between points on the object, but it does not preserve the direction or handedness of the object.

The shape of an object before a transformation?

Original or unformed

What is a stretch transformation?

A stretch transformation is a type of linear transformation in which the size of an object is increased or decreased in a particular direction. It results in scaling the size of an object along its horizontal, vertical, or diagonal axis, while maintaining the shape of the object.

What is three dimensional transformation?

transformation refers to changes made in orientation ,size and shape ,which alters the co-ordinate axis of an object.

What is axial reflection?

Axial reflection is a type of transformation in geometry where a figure is reflected over an axis. The axis of reflection is a line that remains fixed while the rest of the figure is mirrored across it. This transformation preserves the size and shape of the figure.

What map preserves shape and what map preserves size?

A conformal map preserves shape, meaning angles are maintained. A equal-area map preserves size, meaning areas are accurately represented.