A right angle triangle
Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!Yes. That is why it is called a right angle triangle!
An inscribed triangle.
A triangle with three equal sides is called a equalateral triangle.
A triangle in which one angle is equal to 90o is called a right triangle. A triangle in which all sides are equal (or) all the angles are equal to 60o is called an equilateral triangle. A triangle in which any two sides or any two angles are equal is called an isosceles triangle. A triangle in which all the sides or angles are different is called a scalene triangle.
a triangle and a up sidedown triangle in the middle
It's the triforce, A triangle shaped object.
A triangle the tri-force(legend of zelda) look for things in a triangular shape
square, circle, triangle
square circle triangle
it was called The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda.
You draw a triangle than another triangle upside down inside of it.
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
the next zelda is on wii u which is called legend of zelda :wii u
I was told it was called The Legend Of Zelda Wii.