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Q: What is the triangular shaped area of land at the mouth of ariver?
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What is the term for a triangular-shaped area of marshy land at the mouth of a river?

I am not sure of the answer but it is not a delta since a delta need not be marshy and the question asks about marshy land.

What us the definition of the word Delta?

delta; from Greek, fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. Also, can be a triangular shaped area made from sand or dirt at the mouth of a river.

What Delta is?

Delta is the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet, it equates to the Roman D. A river delta is a triangular or D shaped area at the mouth of a river, such as the Mississippi Delta; check its appearance on a map.

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The detrusor muscle is the main muscle within the bladder that contracts during urination to help expel urine. It is a smooth muscle that forms a triangular shape at the base of the bladder.

The triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river is called .?

It is called a delta.

What is the triangle-shaped area at a river's mouth?


What is the Triangle shaped area at a river's mouth?


What is the name for a triangular shaped area of mud sand and slit formed when a river empties into a larger body of water?

That triangular area is called a delta. It's named after a triangular shaped letter of the Greek alphabet.Note: A river that empties into a lake is most often known as the headwaters if it is the primary water source for body of water= or = tributary.

What is the formula for the surface area of a rectangular pyramid?

PyramidV = 1/3 bhb is the area of the baseSurface Area: Add the area of the base to the sum of the areas of all of the triangular faces. The areas of the triangular faces will have different formulas for different shaped bases.

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two bases)Triangles

What do you call a triangular area of slit and mud usually formed at the mouth of a large river?

A delta Or is it

What is the formula for calulating the volume and the area of a triangular prism?

Surface area = 2A + PdwhereA = area of the base shapeP = perimeter of base shaped = height of prismVolume = Ad