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Q: What is the triangular slit that opens and closes during talking called?
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Why does your husband always closes his eyes and dislike talking during sex?

It's probably no more than a personal preference. Talking can be a distraction when you need to concentrate. Don't worry about it.

What is the flap the closes off the larynx and prevents food and water from entering the larynx during swallowing?

It's called the 'epiglottis'.

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What happens during a asmtha attack?

you cannot breath and you trachea closes.

A body joint that opens and closes?

The knee joint is an example of a body joint that opens and closes as it flexes and extends during movement.

What structure closes over the trachea to protect it during swallowing?

The epiglottis.

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Triangular composition was most popular during the Renaissance.

What does the ductus venosus do in fetal circulation?

During gestation the ductus venosus shunts most of the blood from the umbilical vein directly into the inferior vena cava. Shortly after birth the ductus venosus closes to allow normal circulation. It usually closes completely within the first week after birth, but can take longer in pre-term infants. After it is closes a small remnant remains and is called the ligamentum venosum.