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Q: What is the two numbers divided called?
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What is the answer called when two numbers are divided?

Their quotient.

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What is the result of two numbers being divided?

The result is called the quotient.

What do you call the result of dividing two numbers together?

The result of two numbers being divided together is called the quotient.

Why are even numbers called even numbers?

Because they can be divided by two. An even number can be divided by 2 evenly while an odd cannot

What is 305 divided by?

All whole numbers can be divided by at least two numbers: 1 and the number itself. Additionally, all even whole numbers can be divided by two and all numbers ending in five can be divided by five.

Can a composite number be divided by two?

Even composite numbers can, odd composite numbers can't.

What is The answer obtained when two numbers are divided?

When you divide two numbers the answer is the quotient.

What two numbers can be divided by 450?

An infinite number of numbers can be divided by 450. The smallest two numbers that can be divided by 450 are 450 (450 divided by 450 equals 1) and 900 (900 divided by 450 equals 2).

The highest number that can be divided into two numbers to reduce them to their lowest terms is called?

Highest common denominator

What is the word of the answer when you divide two numbers?

The answer is the quotient of the divided numbers

Why are odd number called odd number?

The word "even" is used to describe numbers which can be divided into two equal parts: that is, parts that will balance evenly. A number which cannot be so divided (in terms of whole numbers) is odd.