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Q: What is the type of research where there has been pre-assignment to groups?
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What is the type of research where there has been pre assignment to groups?


A type of research that uses focus groups or small studies to get a feel for the problem?

What is a type of research that uses focus groups or small studies to get a "feel" for the problem.

2 A type of research that uses focus groups or small studies to get a feel for the problem?

A type of research that uses focus groups or small studies to get a "feel" for the problem.

What are some disadvantages of scanner based marketing research?

Scanner based research refers to the continuous study of customers by keeping tabs on what they buy and what type of advertising they are subjected to. This type of research helps to market directly towards specific groups of people.

Did William Sheldon used somatotyping to explain juvenile criminal behavior?

Yes, William Sheldon did research on somatotyping, which involves categorizing body types into three different groups. While he did suggest that there could be a relationship between body type and personality traits, his research has been widely criticized and his claims regarding somatotyping and criminal behavior have not been supported by scientific evidence.

How can you be in a commercial?

Get some experience first. Somewhere in your city or a near by city you will have a theater group. Try out!!! To find one research it on line. Type in "theater groups in ____________ ( your town). Then once you've been in 1 0r 2 plays or something of that matter.

What is a Quasi Research Design in Research methodology?

A quasi-experimental research design is a type of research methodology that lacks full experimental control but still allows for comparison between groups. It involves manipulating an independent variable to observe its impact on a dependent variable, but lacks random assignment to groups. This design is often used when true experimentation is not feasible or ethical.

What are the two types of research?

Primary and SecondaryPrimary Research: Interviews, Observations, ect.Secondary Research: Articles, Books, ect.One type of research is called quantitative research. This type of research involves numbers. Another type of research is called qualitative research. This type of research involves things like surveys and observations.

What type of research is used to gather information of describe a phenomenon?

Qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, and observations, are typically used to gather information and describe a phenomenon in detail. These methods allow researchers to explore attitudes, behaviors, and experiences, providing rich and in-depth insights into the phenomenon.

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What type of research studies populations and is often used to search for correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence?

Epidemiological research studies populations and is frequently used to investigate correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence. This type of research often involves analyzing data from large groups of people to identify patterns and associations between various factors such as diet and disease risk.

College students are usually engaged in which type of research?

secondary research