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Q: What is the use of a portion or part of something to represnt the whole?
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What is the use of a portion or part of something to represent the whole?


What is a fractional portion?

A fractional portion is part of a whole portion

What is the difference between 'portion' and 'proportion'?

Portion is simply a part. Proportion is the fractional ratio of the part to the whole. A good resource for finding definitions online is ==Alternative answer== The reply above is the correct definition. In other way of explaining, portion is "a part of" something and proportion is the relation betwen the dimensions of something.

What is the meaning of the word portion?

The word portion means a part of an amount of something such as if someone wanted a portion of a pie. A slice of pie is equal to a portion of it. It can also be used as a verb such as dividing it between two or more people.

What is a piece of something?


What is a small piece of something?

A small piece of something is a fragment or a piece that is smaller in size compared to the whole. It could be a portion or part of a larger object or entity.

Can you define the terms base rate and portion in math?

Base is a number that represents the whole 100%. It is the whole to which something is being compared, usually follows the word of.Rate is the percent that is multiplied times the base that indicates what part of of the base we are trying to compare to. RATE IS NOT A WHOLE NUMBER.Portion is an amount, part, or portion the results from multiplying the base times the rate. BxR. NOT EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT; PORTION IS EXPRESSED AS A NUMBER

What mean the part of something larger?

This typically refers to a component or element that is a part of a bigger whole or system. It suggests that the specific part being referred to is only a portion of the entire entity or concept.

How does identifying the part and whole help you to write the percent portion?

Because a percentage is worked out thus: (the part/the whole) * 100 = the percentage portion. Thus if the part was 5 and the whole was 10 The percentage would be (5/10)*100 = 50%

What is a fraction or a portion of something?

A fraction of anything is a part of the whole. For example, 1/2 an apple, 5/8 of the class, 2/3 of a pie.

What is another word for part of whole?


How do you call a piece of something?

A part, a bit, a portion or a slice.