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Q: What is the use of differential equation in trasportational engineering?
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What is Exact ordinary differential equation?

exact differential equation, is a type of differential equation that can be solved directly with out the use of any other special techniques in the subject. A first order differential equation is called exact differential equation ,if it is the result of a simple differentiation. A exact differential equation the general form P(x,y) y'+Q(x,y)=0Differential equation is a mathematical equation. These equation have some fractions and variables with its derivatives.

Uses of partial differential equation in civil engineering?

Civil engineers use partial differential equations in many different situations. These include the following: heating and cooling; motion of a particle in a resisting medium; hanging cables; electric circuits; natural purification in a stream.

Why do you use laplace transformation in compuer engineering?

Laplace Transforms are used to solve differential equations.

Where you use Partial Differential Equation in your daily life?

It's all around you, starting with equation of diffusion and ending with equation of propagation of sound and EM waves.

How do you calculate Orifice plate differential pressure?

To calculate the orifice plate differential pressure, you can use the Bernoulli's equation or the ISO 5167 standard equation. Measure the pressure upstream and downstream of the orifice plate using pressure gauges, then find the difference between these two pressures to determine the differential pressure across the orifice plate.

What career uses quadratic formula?

All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

What are the use of differential equation in dialy life?

A differential equation is a tool to certains carrers to find and solve all kinds of problems, in my case i'm a civil engineer and i use this tool to solve problems in the area of hidraulics, and in the area of structures. The differencial ecuations have all kinds of uses in the area of engieneering and in other fields too

Why you use partial differential equation?

PDEs are used in simulation of real life models like heat flow equation is used for the analysis of temperature distribution in a body, the wave equation for the motion of a waveforms, the flow equation for the fluid flow and Laplace’s equation for an electrostatic potential.

How can I effectively utilize the ode23t solver in MATLAB for solving differential equations?

To effectively use the ode23t solver in MATLAB for solving differential equations, you need to define your differential equation as a function in MATLAB and then call the ode23t solver with the appropriate inputs. Make sure to specify the initial conditions and the time span over which you want to solve the differential equation. Additionally, consider adjusting the solver options to optimize the performance and accuracy of the solution.

What are the applications of Differentiator?

Many real world problems can be represented by first order differential equation. Some applications of differential equation are radio-active decay and carbon dating, population growth and decay, warming/cooling law and draining a tank.

Where in real life are compass use?

In a math class. Mapping/Navigation. Engineering. Architecture. Art. Any mathematical equation that has a radius involved.

Application of Laplace transform to partial differential equations. Am in need of how to use Laplace transforms to solve a Transient convection diffusion equation So any help is appreciated.?
