There are 24 combinations without repeating any digit in the combinations: 7436 7463 7346 7364 7643 7634 4736 4763 4376 4367 4673 4637 3746 3764 3476 3467 3674 3647 6743 6734 6473 6437 6374 and 6347.
The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500
Then the measured value is larger than the actual value.
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There are 24 combinations without repeating any digit in the combinations: 7436 7463 7346 7364 7643 7634 4736 4763 4376 4367 4673 4637 3746 3764 3476 3467 3674 3647 6743 6734 6473 6437 6374 and 6347.