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Q: What is the value for the RANGE when the DOMAIN is 2?
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What are the domain and range of y equals 12?

The domain would be (...-2,-1,0,1,2...); the range: (12)

When range equals 0 what is the domain?

The domain is related to the range depending on the equation or equations given. Without this context, the domain for a Cartegian plane (2 dimensions) is simply R, or all real numbers. With a linear equation (absolute value/ dependent variation) a more useful and specific answer can be given.

What is the domain and range yx2?


Is it ever possible for the domain and range in a function to have different numbers of entries for example 3 domain entries to 5 range entries or 2 range entries to 7 domain entries?

Yes. The range can have fewer number of entries.As an extreme case, consider f(x) = 3, where x is a Real number.The domain is all Real numbers - infinitely many of them, while the range is one value: 3.A function can contain one-to-one or many-to-one relationships but one-to-many relationships are not permitted. As a result, the cardinality of the range cannot be bigger than the cardinality of the domain.

What is the domain and range of y equals cubed square root of x?

The simplest answer is that the domain is all non-negative real numbers and the range is the same. However, it is possible to define the domain as all real numbers and the range as the complex numbers. Or both of them as the set of complex numbers. Or the domain as perfect squares and the range as non-negative perfect cubes. Or domain = {4, pi} and range = {8, pi3/2} Essentially, you can define the domain as you like and the definition of the range will follow or, conversely, define the range and the domain definition will follow,

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Range in math terms?

The range is the y value like the domain is the x value as in Domain and Range.

Algebra what is a domain?

A domain is the value of x, and range is the value of y

What is the example of the range and domain in a function?

A function is a mapping from one set to another. It may be many-to-one or one-to-one. The first of these sets is the domain and the second set is the range. Thus, for each value x in the domain, the function allocates the value f(x) which is a value in the range. For example, if the function is f(x) = x^2 and the domain is the integers in the interval [-2, 2], then the range is the set [0, 1, 4].

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Other names for Y value

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What is the domain and range of absolute lxl - 5

How do you find the range for a function?

The range of a function is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an output value. You find the range by inspecting the function and seeing first what the domain is, and then what the range would be for that domain. The domain, then, is the set of all of the possible values that it can take on as an input value.

What does the word range mean in algebra?

The range of a set is the y value in comparison to the domain which is the x value.

How do you find the domain and range of the function f of x equals half of the absolute value of x minus 2?

The domain could be the real numbers, in which case, the range would be the non-negative real numbers.

What are the domain and range of y equals 12?

The domain would be (...-2,-1,0,1,2...); the range: (12)

How do you find the range and domain of a graph function?

Assuming the standard x and y axes, the range is the maximum value of y minus minimum value of y; and the domain is the maximum value of x minus minimum value of x.

What is Range and Domain?

Range: The range is the set of all possible output values (usually y), which result from using the function formula. Domain: The domain of a function is the set of all possible input values (usually x), which allows the function formula to work.

How do you find the range of an algebra equation?

You need to know the domain first. For each value in the domain there will be a value for the function (or expression). These may not all be different. The set of these values is the range of the equation.