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(2.4 × 103) + (5.7 × 102) = 247.2 + 581.4 = 828.6

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Q: What is the value of (2.4 and times 103) plus (5.7 and times 102)?
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well, 102 is 1 less then 103, there different numbers

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103=1000 103=102 times 10 102=100 100 times 10=1000

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You add the exponents. Example: 102 x 103 = 105.You add the exponents. Example: 102 x 103 = 105.You add the exponents. Example: 102 x 103 = 105.You add the exponents. Example: 102 x 103 = 105.

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GCF(102, 103) = 1; the two numbers are coprime.

27-2 times 4 plus 3?

simple.. answer: 103

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(Number*Location)Example:Give the value of 6 in 53,426,2456*1000=6000The value of a number is the sum of the values of all of its digits. Starting at the decimal point and going left, add together...the 1st digit's value times 100 (100 = 1)the 2nd digit's value times 101 (101 = 10)the 3rd digit's value times 102 (102 = 100)the 4th digit's value times 103 (103 = 1000)and so on to the most significant digit.If there are digits to the right of the decimal point, starting at the decimal point and going right, add to the total above...the 1st digit's value times 10-1 (10-1 = 1/10)the 2nd digit's value times 10-2 (10-2 = 1/100)the 3rd digit's value times 10-3 (10-3 = 1/1000)and so on to the least significant digit.