The value of the Morgan 1885 half dime varies based on its condition. This coin in mint condition is valued at over 2,200.00 as of 2014.
Because the value of it is worth half the value of a dime.
Please post a new question with its date and mint mark.
1848 Half Dime, with Med. date, in good condition is worth $8.00, uncirculated is worth $185.00. 1848 Half Dime, with Lg date or O mint mark in good condition is worth $10.00, uncirculated is worth $400.00.
Yes, a nickel is half a dime!
It looks like most go for between $150 and $225
A 1885 dime - aka - Seated Liberty Dime - in MS60 condition is worth: $200.
Because the value of it is worth half the value of a dime.
The US discontinued its half-dime denomination in 1873.
The British didn't make a half dime.
Please check again. Half-dime production ended in 1873.
$12-15 in average condition.
You have a Liberty Seated Half Dime - a 1869-S coin in good condition (G4) is worth: $20.00; if its mint state is MS60, the value increases to: $400.
The last US Half Dime was issued in 1873 so if you mean a 1927 Buffalo nickel? Average value is $1.00-$3.00 for most coins. Post a new question.
Look at the coin again, no half dimes were struck in 1823.
$13 in good condition
Please check again and post a new question. It's either not 1932, not a half dime, or not from the US. The last US half dimes were dated 1873.
Half dimes were not made in 1913. 1873 was the last year of minting.