Look to the left and slightly above Miss Liberty's feet to see if there is a small S or D on the pedestal. That's the mint mark, and its presence affects the coin's value. (The M on the other pedestal is the designer's monogram.)
Worn condition - $5 with no mint mark or an S, $7 with a D
Moderate wear - $7 with no mint mark, $10 with an S, $17 with a D
Slight wear - $12 with no mint mark, $22 with an S, $35 with a D
The value of a 1951 quarter will value depending on the condition and where it was minted. The value ranges from 3.52 to 4.30.
There is no such thing as a 1914 quarter.
I believe that a 1922 quarter is made of almost pure silver with a value of about $3
The coin is face value.
A 1926 Mercury dime is common, average value is $3.00-$6.00 depending on the condition of the coin.
worn or average condition 6-9$
any quarter prior to 1961 is currently worth at least 2 dollars in silver content
Sorry, but M is not a mintmark. See the related question below.
Please check your coin again and post a new question. The first Washington quarters were minted in 1932.
The letter "M" is not a mintmark. It is the designers monogram. Post a new question and structure it like this to get the best answer- "What is the value of a <date> <country> <denomination> or "What is a <date> <country> <denomination>?".
1926 ten dollar gold coin value
It is 90% silver and 10% copper.
is there a value on a canadian 1964 quarter
The value of a 1951 quarter will value depending on the condition and where it was minted. The value ranges from 3.52 to 4.30.
A US quarter has a face value of 25 cents.
A 1967 Washington quarter has no silver and is face value.
There is no such thing as a 1914 quarter.