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In general none of the Eisenhower dollars regardless of date or mintmark struck for general circulation contain any silver or have more than face value. Only proof and uncirculated collectors coins sold from the Mint have premiums

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Q: What is the value of 1978 dollar?
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One dollar, and they have no silver in them.

What is the value of 1978-D Eisenhower dollar?

Face value only.

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The coin is face value.

What is a 1978 d silver dollar worth?

A 1978-D Eisenhower dollar has no silver in it and is only face value.

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What is the value of a 1978 Eisenhower dollar?

Face value only, if it is circulated. If it is uncirculated, it is approximately $2.25

What is the value of a 1978 US of America one dollar coin?

It's still worth one dollar.

Value of silver dollar from 1978?

The coin is a Eisenhower dollar and has no silver in it. Only proof and uncirculated coins from the mint have more than face value.

What is the value of one dollar silver coin 1978?

The US did not make any silver coins dated 1978, if the coin is a large size Eisenhower dollar its likely only face value unless its Proof or Uncirculated.

1972 liberty dollar value?

None of the Eisenhower dollar coins (1971-1978) made for general circulation have any silver or are worth more than face value.

What is the value of a 1978 US 2 dollar bill?

Please check your bill's date again. he US didn't print any bills of any denomination dated 1978. The nearest date for $2 bills is 1976; those bills are only worth face value unless they are uncirculated. Correction: Yes they did make a 1978 two dollar bill. I am looking at one and holding it in my hand.