A whole number of 2 or more digits cannot have a place value - only a single digit in such a number can.
half of 627 is 313 1/2. Three hundred and thirteen and a half.
Sum of digits of 627 = 6+2+7 = 15 15 is exactly divisible by 3. Hence, 627 is divisible by 3. So, it is not a prime number
If you take 4 2632 and 2 and a half AN 627 pills they may have a toxic effect on your body.
In the number 627,384 it represents 20,000
20 000
100-500 USD or so
A whole number of 2 or more digits cannot have a place value - only a single digit in such a number can.
half of 627 is 313 1/2. Three hundred and thirteen and a half.
A single digit (in a number) can have a place value. A whole number cannot have a place value!
Stitch - 2008 The Return of 627 2-16 was released on: USA: 2010
Sum of digits of 627 = 6+2+7 = 15 15 is exactly divisible by 3. Hence, 627 is divisible by 3. So, it is not a prime number
A proposed (not experimentally determined) value is 1 627 0C.
If you take 4 2632 and 2 and a half AN 627 pills they may have a toxic effect on your body.