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3 tens, which is thirty.

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Q: What is the value of 3 in 6131?
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The absolute value of 3 is +3. No negative number can have a value greater than +3.

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Its value is: 0.03 or 3/100 as a fraction

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In each case the difference is twice the absolute value and the absolute value of -3 and +3 (which is 3) is smaller than the absolute value of -4 and +4 (which is 4).

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Right most 5 (after the decimal) has a place value of 5/100 3 (after the decimal) has a place value of 3/10 Left most 5 (before the decimal) has a value of 5

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What does number close to an exact value mean?

3, -3 4, -4 these numbers all have the same "exact value" 3, -5 do not have the same exact value. exact value is how many s[pots away from 0 it is

What is the value of the 3 in the number 2.134785.690?

It is unclear as to the value of this number.

What is the value of 3 to the nearest tenth?

The value of 3 is, by definition, 3. Three is three. That is true to any decimal place that you want to take it.

What is the value of the 3 in 97.3?

It is 0.3 or 3/10