There is no "one" in decimal place value. The first decimal place is known as tenths.Thus, 2.4 is equal to two and four tenths.
The correct answer is 0.000022
The column two to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths column.Multiply any digit in this column by one hundredth to get its place value (in the number).
two ten thousandths.
The number is given to only one decimal place so you cannot round it to two places. The number could have had any value in the range [0.55 to 0.65] and you have no way of knowing what it was so no way of representing the number to two decimal places.
There is no "one" in decimal place value. The first decimal place is known as tenths.Thus, 2.4 is equal to two and four tenths.
There is no "one" in decimal place value. The first decimal place is known as tenths.Thus, 2.4 is equal to two and four tenths.
The correct answer is 0.000022
The column two to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths column.Multiply any digit in this column by one hundredth to get its place value (in the number).
Six and fifty-two one-hundredths._________________________________6.52Six; it is a whole number.6.52When you have a decimal, you say "and".6.52Since there are two terms to the right of a decimal, the place value is in the one-hundredths. Simply say the number, then the correct place value.
two ten thousandths.
The two is located in the tenths place right after the decimal, making the value of 2 a tenth.
It is in the place value column that is two after the decimal point; this column is the hundredths column, thus the 5 is five hundredths.
In the number 9376, the digit 9 is in the hundreds place. The place value of 9 is determined by its position in the number relative to the decimal point. In this case, the hundreds place is two places to the left of the decimal point. Therefore, the place value of 9 in 9376 is 900.
They both have the same value. 4.30 is to two decimal places, while 4.3 is to one decimal place.
A number can't have two decimal points in it but if you mean 731,651,803, then the place value of 5 is 50,000.
Two places to the left of the decimal point is the tens place. 123.45 the 2 in this example has the value of 20