It is 16.
2 090 500 in word form is two million ninety thousand five hundred.
2 090 000 in standard form: 2.09 x 10^6 ("2.09 times ten to the power of 6")
It is 16.
100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics
It is 16.
Just thinking about it, you would guess that 6 is a little more than one third of 16, right? Just do 6 divided by 16 and you get a decimal value of .375. That equates to 37.5%. So 6 is 37.5% of 16.
6/16 and 12/32 have the same value as 3/8.
18 - 16 = 2
The mass of electron is 5,485 799 090 70(16)×10−4 amu.
The mass of an electron is atomic mass units is 5,485 799 090 70(16); the mass of the electron is not an atomic mass.