6 is in ten thousands place.
Ten thousands
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
Not sure of the question but: 6,000,000 times 6,000 equals 36,000,000,000
In the number 68345, the value of the 6 is 6000. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place in the number. In this case, the 6 is in the thousands place, so its value is 6 x 1000 = 6000.
The value of any digit in the millions place is 1,000 times the value of the same digit in the thousands place.
The place value of 6 in 6,934 is thousands
6 is in ten thousands place.
6 is in the thousands' place so its value is 6000.
Ten thousands
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
Not sure of the question but: 6,000,000 times 6,000 equals 36,000,000,000
Its hundred Thousands. 6 * 100,000 = 600,000
In the number 68345, the value of the 6 is 6000. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place in the number. In this case, the 6 is in the thousands place, so its value is 6 x 1000 = 6000.
5630 x 10 = 56300 The six is in the thousands place.
To round off 63214 to the highest place value, we look at the digit in the ten thousands place, which is 6. The next highest place value is the hundred thousands place. Since the digit in the ten thousands place is 5 or greater, we round up to the next hundred thousands, making it 70000.
The value of 3 in 236,157 is 30,000.If the topic is about place value then,Ten-thousands is the place value of 3.Definition of Place Value: Place value is the value given to the place or position of a digit in a number.Note:7 – Units place5 – Tens place.1 – Hundreds place.6 – Thousands place.2 – Hundred thousands.Source: www.icoachmath.com