1 penny - no more unless you find some mug who is prepared to pay more for it.
To calculate the value of 35 pounds of pennies, we first need to know the weight of a single penny. A U.S. penny weighs approximately 2.5 grams. Converting pounds to grams (35 lbs = 15876.77 grams) and dividing by the weight of a penny (2.5 grams) gives us around 6350 pennies. Multiplying this by the face value of a penny ($0.01) gives us a total value of $63.50.
Current retail value is $8.00 issue price was $5.00
It is worth a penny
A common penny has a value of 1 penny only
The US Mint did not begin operations until 1793. Please examine your coin to determine its national origin.
It's a novelty coin made by different private companies over the years that have no collectible value, NOT a product of the US Mint.
Steel pennies were only made in 1943, during World War II. All 1969 US cents were struck in bronze. Your penny is almost certainly plated for use in jewelry or something similar. It's considered to be an altered coin and has no added value.
It's a novelty coin made by different private companies over the years that have no collectible value, NOT a product of the US Mint.
The coin is in circulation today and is face value.
The coin is still found in circulation and only face value.
A Penny..the other day I found a penny from the 20s. Its still a penny not much as changed.
For a good condition 1902 us penny it is worth about $1.00. For a 1902 us penny in bad condition is worth about $0.25.
It's worth about 2 cents for its copper content.
The coin is still in circulation and only face value.
One cent. That is it.