Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $17.00-$28.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1889 Morgan is a common date.
what was the value of a dollar in the 1960's
value for money.
3.7 percentage may have no dollar value. If 3.7% of my desk is covered by my computer mouse, how would you put a dollar value to that? Then what happens when I move the mouse off the desk?
About a dollar.
Multiply the value by 0.02 There are 100 cents in a dollar, so 2 cents is 2% or 0.02 of the value
The 1889 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
The 1889 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
No Trade dollars were struck in 1889
The most common Mint State grade for an 1889 Morgan dollar is MS-63 and retail value is $53.00
The value of 1889 Morgan silver dollar replica ranges from $23.01 to $26.76
Both gold & silver one dollar coins were struck in 1889. Post new question as to type.
The 1889 Morgan Dollar is common, average retail value is $23.00-$31.00 for a example in circulated condition
1889 was the last year for one dollar coins.
About 20 US dollars
No such thing.