There were 2 varieties of dimes minted in 1916 so you have to determine which one you have before attempting to value it.
"Barber" dimes (designed by Charles Barber) have a right-facing portrait of Miss Liberty on the front and the words ONE DIME in a wreath on the back.
"Mercury" dimes (named for the winged Liberty cap worn by Miss Liberty) feature a left-facing portrait on the front and a Roman fasces (reed bundle and axe) on the reverse.
Please check the Related Questions for more about each variety.
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
That's off by about 65 years. Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1853 would be called a Liberty dime or Liberty Seated dime.
Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. Your coin is called a Barber dime, after its designer Charles Barber.
Mercury dimes were made from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1896 would be called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber, or a Liberty dime. See the Related Question for values.
Two different U.S.dimes were struck in 1916, Barber dimes & Mercury dimes. Please post a new question as to the type of coin.
that year of dime isn't considered a rare date so the value is about $2.10 for melt value. it may be worth more depending on condition.
That would be worth a lot being that they didn't start making them till 1916. A 1901 dime would be a Barber dime . Please see the question "What is the value of a 1901 US dime?" for more information.
The first MERCURY dime was struck in 1916
Dimes minted from 1892 to 1916 were designed by Charles Barber, not George Morgan. Morgan never designed any circulating US dimes. Please determine your coin's date, then look for questions worded "What is the value of a (date) US dime?" e.g. What is the value of an 1887 US dime?
Mercury dimes were struck from 1916-1945. A 1907 dime is called a Barber (1892-1916) dime. It's a common date coin with a average value of $3.00.
The difference (and the value) is where they were made. S= San Francisco, D= Denver.
ten cents
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. All dimes since then carry a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt.
The value of a US dime marked "ten centavos" is zero, since it is a fake. A real US dime is marked "one dime," not "ten centavos."
1900 would make it a Barber dime, not a Mercury dime (the Mercury design wasn't introduced until 1916). The value depends on condition and mint. It's worth at least $3.00 for a worn Philadelphia specimen, and over $100 for a better New Orleans.
Value depends on grade.G-4 $3.00 AU-50 $20.00