It depends on the coin's condition and mint mark. Without that information the best I can do is point you to a site (among many) that gives a range of prices.
That's off by about 65 years. Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1853 would be called a Liberty dime or Liberty Seated dime.
Mercury dimes were made from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1896 would be called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber, or a Liberty dime. See the Related Question for values.
The 1943 Mercury (not Liberty) dime is a common date. If it shows any wear, the value is just for the silver which is just under $2.00 today. Mercury (or Winged Liberty Head) dimes from 1940 to 1945 are all high mintage very common coins, this is why circulated coins are mostly valued for the silver.
the value of a dime is ten cents
Because the value of it is worth half the value of a dime.
approx. $13.
It's a Roosevelt dime not a liberty dime and all are considered common, value is about $2.00
The value of a 1842 seated liberty dime is about $20 in G-4(good) condition.
The Liberty dime minted in 1943 was 90% silver. The current rate for a circulated 1943 Liberty Dime is the current value of the silver of the coin, presently $5.50
In 1923 every coin has the word Liberty on it. Post new question.
A 1918 Dime - aka - Winged Liberty/Mercury Dime - is worth in good condition (G4): $4; if its mint state is MS60, the value is: $70.
All US dimes have the word LIBERTY on them. A 1960 dime is a Roosevelt dime and all are very common. As of 8-27-11, if it has any wear the value is for the silver, about $3.00.
That's off by about 65 years. Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1853 would be called a Liberty dime or Liberty Seated dime.
Spend it, it's just a dime. Millions are still in circulation.
It's a common date Roosevelt dime, just spend it.
A '44 Mercury dime is worth about $2.50.
A 1885 dime - aka - Seated Liberty Dime - in MS60 condition is worth: $200.