1936 Wheat Penny: With no mint mark, in very good condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $5.00, proof is worth $135.00. With D mint mark, in very good condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $8.00. With S mint mark, in very good condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $8.00.
It is worth a penny
A common penny has a value of 1 penny only
One cent, it's only a penny
In value, a penny is smaller. In size, a dime is smaller.
0.01 USD. The face value.
Wheat ears, not feathers Cent, not penny Assuming 1936, please see the Related Question for more information.
The 1936 Lincoln cent is a very common coin, average value is 5 to 10 cents.
The 1936 Lincoln cent is a very common coin, average value is 3 to 5 cents.
In circulated condition, it's worth 5-25 cents.
A very common coin, average value is 3 to 5 cents
It's a Lincoln cent with a wheat reverse. Value is 3 to 10 cents
Average value is 5 to 10 cents for most circulated coins.
5 cents to $36,000 depending upon the condition of the coin.
No such coin exists, the last US half cents were made in 1857.
There are no Scottish 1936 or 1939 Threepences. After the union of England and Scotland in 1707, Scotland used British coins from about 1814.
Liberty cents were last minted in 1857. A 1936 US cent would be a Lincoln cent. Please see the Related Question for more information.
Most coin dealers should be able to sell you a 1936 Australian Penny.