A bit less than $2 with current silver prices. The price of it depends on the spot price of silver and thus changes daily or even hourly.
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
It's a common date, worth about $2 for its silver content.
Nothing. There is no such thing. The most silver any dime has is 90%. This is most likely what you have.
Silver dimes weigh 2.5 grams and contain 90% silver with 10% copper, which is 2.25 grams of silver.
Average value is $3.00-$5.00.
The value is just for the silver, about a dollar
They are so common most are valued for the just the silver at about $1.25
A 1963 Roosevelt dime is very common. Most are only valued for the silver, about $2.00.
A 1963 contains .07232 ounces of silver.
The value of a 1963 dime depends on its condition and where it was minted. The average value varies between $3 and $7.
The coin is so common most are valued for the silver only, about $2.00.
The coin is so common most are valued for the silver only, about $1.00
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
No US coin has been struck in "Sterling" silver. Coin silver is used which is 90% silver and 10% copper. A 1963 dime is very common and most are valued just for the silver about $2.00.
It's a common date, worth about $2 for its silver content.
The 1963 proof set is rather common, but the half-dollar, dime and quarter were all struck in 90% silver which gives it value. It is worth around $17-24 or so.
If it has any wear at all the value is for the silver only about $1.00. A uncirculated 1942 dime is about $2.50