A pfennig was one hundredth of the German unit of currency, the DMark. Since this was replaced by the Euro, a pfennig has no currency exchange value.
One-half of a U.S. cent. Before the euro was adopted Germany's currency unit was the mark. One mark = 100 pfennige (that's the plural of "pfennig"). At its last valuation in 2002 the mark was worth about 50 cents (U.S.) so a pfennig was pretty far down on the scale.
A pfennig was 1/100 of the German unit of currency
This quote makes more sense if you correct the typo to read: 'If I give you a pfennig, you will be one pfennig richer and I'll be one pfennig poorer. But if I give you an idea, you will have a new idea, but I shall still have it, too.' Exchanging money makes the giver poorer, but exchanging ideas enriches the receiver without making the giver poorer.
A pfennig was one hundredth of the German unit of currency, the DMark. Since this was replaced by the Euro, a pfennig has no currency exchange value.
Answer1 zinc pfennig $2 to $5 5 zinc pfennig $3 to $610 zinc pfennig $5 to $151 copper pfennig $4 to $82 copper pfennig $5 to $1550 aluminum pfennig $15 to $355 & 10 brass pfennig $252 & 5 silver reichsmark $5 to $10 above spot
5 euros
A 10 pfennig is a coin, not a note. The value of a 1917 10 pfennig coin depends on its condition. The typical value is between 20 c and 8 US dollars.
What is the value of a Gutschein 50 pfhennig note
A pfennig coin made in Germany in 1969 typically has a collector's value rather than a significant face value as the Deutsche Mark ceased to be the currency in 2002. Depending on its condition and rarity, a 1969 pfennig coin could be worth a few cents to a few dollars to a collector.
the the http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_value_of_a_bundesrepublik_deutschland_pfennig_in_america?
.22 cents us
What ever some is will to pay for it.
It is worth nothing. The Germans no long use the mark, but are on the Euro. When it was used a 50 pfennig was about 5 cents. One pfennig was a penny.