Depending on model and condition 100-1000 USD.
Winchester model 100 (rifle) in 100% shape is worth $550.00 in the 308 caliber. Winchester model 100 (carbine) in 100% shape is worth $795.00 in 308 caliber. If you find a model 100 in the 284 caliber consider yourself lucky and buy it, dinosaur bones are easier to find.
It looks like you have listed a serial number, not a model number. You need to provide a detailed description that tells who made it, what type of finish it has, the barrel length, the caliber/gauge, engraving (if any) and all markings.
Can't be answered without knowing who made it, all markings, box, papers, accessories, caliber/gauge, long gun or hand gun, finish, condition, etc..
Gun Traders Guide lists a value of from $87 for "good" to $242 "new in the box", but that's not what they sell for in the real world. I have 34 of the 550 series and have paid as little as $25 through $500. On average a nice model 550-1 (most any year) will sell for around $250.00............
value of a model 49 ithaca 22 caliber rifle
See related links below.
It is .22 caliber, not gauge, and rifle, not riffle- and there is no way to answer your question. The value of a gun is based on the exact make, model, and condition. You gave us none of the three- and we need all 3.
== == What is the value of 30 caliber Winchester 1894 ?
I have one
Wat is the value of 22 caliber sears and roebuck model 340530430 lever action rifle
No such S&W model number.
ABOUT $200
No such caliber.