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The interest earned is 59153.62

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Q: What is the value of a 3 per cent return on 172000 investment for ten years?
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Return On Investment in fmcg?

Return on investment is the amount that you get back for investing in something. The formula is ROI=(Profit *100)/(Investment * number of years.)

Definition of Average Rate of Return?

Method of investment appraisal which determines return on investment by totaling the cash flows (over the years for which the money was invested) and dividing that amount by the number of years.

What is meant by the term average rate of return?

The term average rate of return is referring to the return on an investment. It is calculated by taking the total cash inflow over the life of the investment and dividing it by the number of years in the life of the investment.

Suppose an investment of 1100 doubles in value every 9 years how much is the investment worth after 27 years?


Suppose an investment of 10000 doubles in value every 13 years. How much is the investment worth after 52 years and after 65 years?

160,000 320,000

Does the future value of an investment increases as the number of years of compounding at a positive rate of interest declines?

No, the future value of an investment does not increase as the number of years of compounding at a positive rate of interest declines. The future value is directly proportional to the number of compounding periods, so as the number of years of compounding decreases, the future value of the investment will also decrease.

A loan at 6 percent interest over 5 years What is the total output?

If the interest is simple interest, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3 times the initial investment. If the interest is compounded annually, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3382 times the initial investment. If the interest is compounded monthly, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3489 times the initial investment.

What is the best definition of the rule 72?

The best definition for 72 is the number before 73 and after 71.

How do you calculate a payback period?

The payback period is ascertained by calculating the number of years needed to recover the cash invested in a project, For example, an investment of 1000 provides a return of 200,300,500 in consecutive three years. Then total of return in 3 years will be equal to the original investment. Hence the payback period is three years.

How long did it take to have full return of investment?

It depends on what you are investing in. If you're not a professional investor it should take about 5 years to double your investment in stocks.

Is a us treasury bond a valuable gift?

Treasury bonds can be extremely valuable gifts because they are a great return on you investment. They will double their value in 10 years! Then they can be reinvested as they mature. Its often a popular gift for children.

What is Pay back period method?

Method of evaluating investment opportunities and product development projects on the basis of the time taken to recoup the investment. This period is compared to the required payback period to determine the acceptability of the investment proposal. In contrast to return on investment and net present value methods, the cash inflows occurring after the payback period are not included in this method. Formula: Payback period (in years) = Initial capital investment ÷ Annual cash-flow from the investment.