The 5 Euro note is smallest at 2.44 in wide and 4.72 in long. The 500 Euro note is the largest at 3.23 in wide and 6.30 in long.
Well honey, the number 500 is written once on a 500 rupee note. It's not rocket science, just a simple one-to-one correspondence. So, if you're ever in doubt, just take a peek at that crisp green bill and count those zeros.
There is no 5000 euro note.
No. The largest commercial note is for 500 Euros. Larger notes were not issued so as to make it more difficult to move large sums of money in cash rather than through the banking system - usually for illegal purposes.
There is no such thing as the German dollar. The currency in German is the Euro (symbol '€'). The largest Euro banknote is €500.
The highest value Euro note is €500.
Yes, there is a 500 euro note.
The five hundred euro note is the highest value euro note in current circulation. It is one of the highest valued currency note in circulation. In October 2011, there were approximately 594,833,600 €500 banknotes in circulation.
The 500 euro... though most shops will not accept the 200 or 500 euro bill
500 Euros.
The 5 Euro note is smallest at 2.44 in wide and 4.72 in long. The 500 Euro note is the largest at 3.23 in wide and 6.30 in long.
500 euro
500 euro
Euro notes come in denominations of €500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, and 5.
it is coloured purple and has a picture of modern architecture on it
There has never been an official 1,000,000 euro note issued by the European Central Bank (ECB) or the Eurosystem. Any such note being circulated is likely a fake or novelty item and not legal tender for transactions.
It has this colour: because there are no €1000 notes. The highest denomination is €500.