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Q: What is the value of a DPMS A-15?
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How do you get higher value in excel sheet?

The Max function will give you the highest value in a range of cells. So if you have numbers in all the cells from A1 to A15 and want to know what the highest one is, you would use the following formula, which you put into another cell outside of A1 to A15. =MAX(A1:A15)

What company is dpms?

DPMS - Panther Arms is under the umbrella of Freedom Group, along with Remington and Bushmaster.

What year was my Dpms ar-15 manufactured?

Not enough information to answer the question. You should contact DPMS customer service.

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It is correct to say that 308 Dpms assault rifle is worth buying.

Formula for average highest and lowest number?

Using the cells A1 to A15, the following functions can be used for what you want:To get the highest value you can use either of two functions, though we most commonly use the first of these:=MAX(A1:A15)=LARGE(A1:A15,1)The LARGE function can not only get the highest value, but also the second highest or third highest etc., by changing the 1 at the end to 2 or 3 etc.To get the lowest you can use either of these two functions, where SMALL works similar to LARGE:=MIN(A1:A15)=SMALL(A1:A15,1)To get an average you use the AVERAGE function:=AVERAGE(A1:A15)You could also get an average in this way, by totalling the values and divided by the amount of values by counting them, but it would be rarely used:=Sum(A1:A15)/Count(A1:A15)

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Who owns dpms firearms?

DPMS/Panther Arms is owned by The Freedom Group which owns a wide variety of firearms and ammunition manufacturers including Bushmaster, Remington, H&R, etc...

What are the release dates for Predator Instinct - 2013 DPMS Hunt 1-6?

Predator Instinct - 2013 DPMS Hunt 1-6 was released on: USA: 5 February 2013

Is the dpms panther arms a11 ris airsoft gun electric?

Yes. By the way, it's not actually manufactured by DPMS - they simply gave approval for their roll mark to be used on that product.

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How to use a formula as criteria in sumif?

A short explanation of the question: Sometimes it is needed to use a formula as criteria instead of a given criteria. For example if you need to find the sum of numbers that are above or below the average in the range. For both COUNTIF and SUMIF formulas, the way to use another formula for criteria is the following (pretext: range of numbers is A1:A15): =countif(A1:A15;">"&average(A1:A15)) or =sumif(A1:A15;">"&average(A1:A15);A1:A15) And for the case that any number should be exactly the same as the average, use the "=" sign after the ">" or "<" sign.

How much is a pms ar-15 worth?

Either you have a DPMS rifle, or a PWS rifle. DPMS makes several different models of AR-15, and value can range from $600 to $1500, depending on the exact model and features. PWS, on the other hand, is a different matter. PSW manufactures higher end gas piston and direct impingement uppers, which typically sell new for $1500 - $2000. Overall value of the rifle would depend on what lower and accessories you have.