A Franchi 500 is worth about $325 in excellent condition, all the way down to about $100 in poor condition. This info is from the 2004 Standard Catalog of Firearms.
It is 500.
As a product of its prime factors in exponents it is: 22*53 = 500
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About $500 if in good condition.
Around 375 for excellent condition.
500 or so
50-500 usd
50-500 USD or so depending on specifics
In good condition about $400 - $500.
Franchi falconet 12 Gauge shotgun Generally go between $600 and $800.
The exact value of a Franchi Aristocrat shotgun is actually dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the age and condition of the shotgun.
100-2000 USD hey
100-400 USD
Franchi made the Wildflower shotgun