This is a magician's trick coin made from two legal tender coins. While you might be able to sell it on eBay for more than "face value" (one cent, 10¢ or 11¢), it has no numismatic value. It has no special value. They're manufactured for magicians. You can buy them at most magic shops.
The coin that is not a penny is a quarter. The other one IS a penny.
The coin is just face value.
The purchasing value of the "penny" coin is defined as 1/100 of a dollar, or $0.01
The value to a collector depends on the coin's condition. Show it to a coin dealer.
Without knowing the date, this coin has no value to a collector. So therefore it's value is face value.
The coin that is not a penny is a quarter. The other one IS a penny.
The face value of any coin is what is inscribed on the face of it. The face value of a 1 Penny coin is 1 Penny.
It is a mule.
the smallest value of a coin is a penny.
Depending on the the condition of the coin the worth of the penny will vary.Ê The current value of the coin varies from $36.00 to $950.00 and determing the value the grade of the coin will determine the value of the coin.
The value of a 1803 large penny will depend on the condition of the coin. If the coin is in mint condition, the value is an estimated $256.00.
It is a British Penny and a US coin cut in half and stuck to each other. It has no value.
The coin you have described sounds like a novelity coin and has no value other than the materials it is made from.
The coin is just face value.
The coin is still in circulation and is face value.
It's a common date coin still in circulation. The coin is face value.
no such coin