Age, condition, and other factors set the value: You need to list these, but I can tell you it is a Stevens model 745. See
400 deg F = 204.44.. deg C
The roman numerals "CD" represent the number 400. It is formed by combining the symbols for 100 (C) and 500 (D) with a subtraction rule, resulting in a value of 500 - 100 = 400.
In Roman numerals C = 100 and D = 500. The numeral CD represents 100 before 500, which is 400.
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get,roman numeral CD in standard form is written as 400. CD=400.
It is 400.
110-200 dollars.
110-200 dollars.
See: this may help you. It's a Mossberg 402 or 400.
ive got one send me ur email and ill send u a pic of it
The 117 is easily worth $500 in moderate-to-good condition. If you ever find one for under $400 buy it!
whats the value of a 12 gauge double barrel revelation
value of revelation 12 guage 350 a
The value was 400. The value of numbers is not dependent on time!
About $400-$500
310 revelation 20 gauge
100-400 or so
400 deg F = 204.44.. deg C