Use your head. If it's worn out - it's worthless to anyone that can't rebuild it. If it works - it's worth whatever you're willing to pay for it.
What is the value of $100. 00 bill 1934 series # J01186491 A
In an arithmetic series, each term is defined by a fixed value added to the previous term. This fixed value (common difference) may be positive or negative.In a geometric series, each term is defined as a fixed multiple of the previous term. This fixed value (common ratio) may be positive or negative.The common difference or common ratio can, technically, be zero but they result in pointless series.
About $50.00 if in like new condition.
The lack of a letter after the series date simply means it is the first issue of that series. Traditionally the series date is changed when a "major change" is instituted in the bill. Since 1974 a change in the Secretary of the Treasury is considered a "major change" to the bill design. A "minor change," including the changing of the Treasurer, is signified by a letter after the series date. The letters go in alphabetic order beginning with A. See the Related Link "Wikipedia: Series (United States currency)" for more information on currency series dates. See the Related Question "What is the value of a Series 1957 silver certificate" for the value of the bill.
As you expand the Fibonacci series, each new value in proportion to the previous approaches the Golden Ratio.
These generators are listed anywhere from $675 lightly used up to $3,460 brand new on the Titan website. The generator is solid and reliable. Unsure of their intended distribution, this seems to be a common question. I own one, and bought it from a "truckload sale" sort of thing where they had numerous generators, pressure washers, etc..
The value of a Titan handgun 32 cal is $159.99.
50 or so
50-60 or so
50 or so. ADDED-$200 for a mint steel frame Titan & $150 for a mint alloy frame Titan. (magnet will stick to steel frame).
10-200 usd
The rated voltage of a generator decreases due to many causes such as armature reaction, overloading of the generator and AVR failure/ weak excitation voltage.
Around $300.
1 trillion dollars
Duty = 29% approx.on CFR value all inclusive for generator diesel sets fully builtif not with soundproof.Duty = 49.8% approx.on CFR value all inclusive for generator diesel sets fully built if it is equipped with soundproof.Duty = 7% approx. on CFR value all inclusive for generator diesel sets with prime power exceeding or equal to 1000KVAIf it is completely knocked down (CKD), then duty = 12% approx. on CFR value
Face value for all of them.
50-90 USD depending on condition