$20 if very worn
$30 if moderately worn
$60 if like new, with no mint mark or an "S"
$90 if like new with a "CC" mint mark
The value of a 1951 quarter will value depending on the condition and where it was minted. The value ranges from 3.52 to 4.30.
There is no such thing as a 1914 quarter.
I believe that a 1922 quarter is made of almost pure silver with a value of about $3
The coin is face value.
The value of a quarter with a tree on one side would be 25 cents, as it is a standard United States quarter. The design on the reverse side of the coin changes periodically, but it does not impact its monetary value.
1876 indian coins value
The US didn't make special quarters for the Centennial in 1876, so what you have is a standard Liberty Seated quarter. Please see the Related Question for values.The only special quarters were struck for the Bicentennial in 1976.
There were no special coins issued for the US Centennial in 1876.If you have a modern bicentennial quarter with 2 dates, 1776-1976, it's only worth face value in circulated condition.
The coin is altered so it is worth nothing more than its silver melt value. See the related link below.
Firstly, the date probably reads 1876, as that's the year Colorado became a state. At the bottom of the coin, you'll probably see the date 2006, the year the Colorado quarter was minted. It's worth 25 cents.
No 5 cent coins were struck in 1876.
about 10 dollars now
The U.S. did not strike any quarters to honor the 1876 Centennial If you're referring to a BIcentennial quarter dated 1776-1976, circulated ones are worth face value only. Uncirculated specimens go for around a dollar.
Face value only.
is there a value on a canadian 1964 quarter
The value of a 1951 quarter will value depending on the condition and where it was minted. The value ranges from 3.52 to 4.30.