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Q: What is the value of expression rt-rs 8 where are 1 s0 and t2?
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How do you write a algebraic expression using 3.50t?

(e3.50t - t2)/(1 + t4)

What is the mathematical expression for the third law of thermodynamics?

The third law could be expressed as: If T1 = T2 and T2 = T3, then T1 = T3. Where T1 is the temperature of system (or object) 1. T2 is the temperature of system (or object) 2. T3 is the temperature of system (or object) 3. That may seem trivial from an algebraic standpoint but it has profound implications in thermodynamics because it helps define the meaning of temperature and thermal equilibrium.

How do you do the question 12t3- 48t in math?

That's really very easy, because [ 12t3 - 48t ] isn't a question, so there's no answer needed.All it is is a number, whose value depends on the value of 't'.If your class is working on factoring, then the teacher may give you this expression andask you to factor it. If that's what's happening, then [12t3 - 48t] is not the question.The question is: "What is [12t3 - 48t] in factored form ?" That would be12t (t2 - 4)

What does compound interest and exponential growth share?

The ratio of the quantity between two sets of time an equal period apart are the same. That is, the rate of growth over the same time is a constant. Suppose V(t) is the value of the variable V at time t. Then, if t1, t2, t3 and t4 are four times such that t2 - t1 = t4 - t3 then V(t2)/V(t1) = V(t4)/V(t3) whether V is compound interest or exponential growth.

How do you factor 4x minus t squared?

(4x - t2)= [(2√x)2 - t2] (This is now the difference of squares)= (2√x - t)(2√x + t)

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How do you write a algebraic expression using 3.50t?

(e3.50t - t2)/(1 + t4)

Give expression for efficiency of dual cycle?

= 1 - qout/qin = 1 - cv(T4-T1)/(cv(Tx-T2)+cp(T3-Tx))

What is the mathematical expression for the third law of thermodynamics?

The third law could be expressed as: If T1 = T2 and T2 = T3, then T1 = T3. Where T1 is the temperature of system (or object) 1. T2 is the temperature of system (or object) 2. T3 is the temperature of system (or object) 3. That may seem trivial from an algebraic standpoint but it has profound implications in thermodynamics because it helps define the meaning of temperature and thermal equilibrium.

Model paper of msc chemistry in ou?

^E+W=Q.....................1 Q2-Q1/Q2=T2-T1/T2.....................2 W=Q2-Q1 Given W/Q =T2-T1/T2 T2-T1=^T and Q=^W ^w/Q=^T/T Q=T{^W/^T} PUTTING THE VALUE EQI {1} ^E+W=T^W/^T [GIBBS HELMHOLT EQUATION]

Drive the expression for temperature coefficient of resistance?

To derive a value for thermal coefficient of resistance, I find the resistance R1 at one temperature T1, and the resistance R2 at temperature T2. I can then express this coefficient as (R2 - R1) / [R1 (T2 - T1)] X 100% per degree. Example: R1 = 50 ohms at T1 = 20 degC R2 = 20 ohms at T2 = 500 degC (R2 - R1) / [R1(T2 - T1)] X100% per deg = (20 - 50) / [50 (500 - 20)] X100% per deg = - 0.125% per degC But this assumes the change in resistance is linear. In fact, such changes often happen on a curve. To estimate the form of the curve, at least three temperature:resistance data pairs are needed.

What is a T2 hyperintense foci?

Type your answer here... it is a T2 hyperintense foci

How do you do the question 12t3- 48t in math?

That's really very easy, because [ 12t3 - 48t ] isn't a question, so there's no answer needed.All it is is a number, whose value depends on the value of 't'.If your class is working on factoring, then the teacher may give you this expression andask you to factor it. If that's what's happening, then [12t3 - 48t] is not the question.The question is: "What is [12t3 - 48t] in factored form ?" That would be12t (t2 - 4)

A sample of air has a volume of 140ml at 67degrees Celsius At what temperature will its volume be 50ml at constant pressure?

V1/T1 = V2/T2 Where temperature must be in Kelvins 67C + 273 = 340 K So 140/340 = 50/T2 Find T2 340/140(50) = T2 T2 = 121 K or -152C

What are the fingerings for g major scale on the double french horn?

If you start on the G on the second line on the staff and then go to the G above the staff, the fingerings go like this: 0-T12-T2-T0-T12-T2-T2-T0-T2-T2-T12-T0-T2-T12-0 (G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G, F#, E, D, C, B, A, G)



How do you get a stick cricket t2 trophy?

win the stick t2 tournament, as strange as that may seem

What is T2 in golf?

On the golf score board, the designation "T2" means tied for second place.