Nothing. It's not real.
First of all, the only bill with that face value is actually a gold certificate. As far as i can tell, it is impossible to have one because they were never publicly issued and only federal reserves were ever in possession of them. They were discontinued in 1935 and are actually illegal to own. If you happen to have one i would assume that it would be just about priceless, seeing as there are only a few left and all are in museums. It is estimated that they are worth around $1270000, but i doubt that anyone would be willing to pay that for an otherwise useless bill. Cashiers most likely won't take it and it's too uncommon to sell on the black market, so, yes, it is basically worthless.
There are no nickels inside a one hundred dollar bill, nor is there any nickel material in the bill. A one hundred dollar bill has the same monetary value as 2000 nickels.
four million four hundred thousand pesos
Technicly speaking there is no such thing, but if you were to draw a bunch of zeros on a one dollar bill or 10 dollar bill you can just go look at one.
There are 1,200 one hundred dollar bills in $120,000. This can be calculated by dividing the total amount by the value of each bill ($120,000 / $100 = 1,200). Each one hundred dollar bill represents one hundred dollars, so by multiplying the number of bills by the value of each bill, you can confirm the total amount equals $120,000.
No you Ding-dong!
There is no hundred thousand dollar bill. The highest denomination currently in use in US currency is the one hundred dollar bill. There was, at one time, a one hundred thousand dollar "bill", but it was used only for transactions between branches of the federal government and never issued for general use. It featured Woodrow Wilson.
Woodrow Wilson
not a makable bill
There are no nickels inside a one hundred dollar bill, nor is there any nickel material in the bill. A one hundred dollar bill has the same monetary value as 2000 nickels.
four million four hundred thousand pesos
how many you ask well just do math 10x100= 1000 so there you go a thousand dimes go into a hundred dollar bill
Is there a cash value on a 1954 100 hundred dollar canadian bill as of this day
Woodrow Wilson is on the one-hundred thousand dollar bill
It is a common $100 bill in circulation and has a value of $100.
about 500k to 1000k
100 dollars.
about 3000to 500 hundred