-3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937515820974944592 3078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095 5058223
Negative pi is - 3.14.
probobly because pi equals 3.14 and you can make 3.14 negative so yes you can have negative pi
In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.
The question cannot be answered because it is based on a false premise: negative pi is NOT a negative rational number.
All negative numbers are less than pi.
Negative pi is - 3.14.
probobly because pi equals 3.14 and you can make 3.14 negative so yes you can have negative pi
Negative pi is a monomial, or a polynomial with one term. Negative pi, as well as positive pi, are not often used as polynomials, but it is still perfectly reasonable to do so.
Area = pi*r2 ( area = pi * radius squared )Area/pi = r2sqrt(area/pi) = r===================( forget negative value of square root )Once you get the radius, double it and you have the diameter of the circle.
The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.
In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.
No Pi is always the same.
(-1/pi)-1 = -pi
The question cannot be answered because it is based on a false premise: negative pi is NOT a negative rational number.
No. Pi is a set number, if it were negative (-3.14159...) it would not represent the ratio of radius to circumference.
All negative numbers are less than pi.
The value of pi (Ï€) is3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751.........